
What Clients Are Saying

Magdalena Do

25th August  2018
A new couple.

 I highly recommend. She is professional and very friendly. Very communicative person. She speak also Polish and Russian. Photos above expectation. We are very happy about our Maternity Session.

Dolly Clark

6th May  2018
Mother, wife, the entrepreneur

Jolanta pays such great attention to detail. She is an excellent photographer and understands her clients.

Ksenia Ivanova

3rd November 2019
Mother of two, MONAT market partner

У нас повторная фотоссесия-ветер был сильный но нам не помешало провести фотосессию в хорошей отмосфере.

Kristina Tonev

19th June 2020
Mother, wife, the artist and teacher

Personality is paramount when choosing your photographer and straight away i felt at ease with Jolanta. As an artists seeking for branding shoot i found that it was a big key for our styles to match not only in person, but in bussiness: Quality and Consistency was at highest standards. Jolanta gave me directions and really understood body language, she brought out the best, making me feel comfortable and relaxed which in result made greater shots. This was more than photography - this was art! Thank you Jolanta Putnina Photography!
 Love, Kristina x
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